Steinbeis 2i GmbH


  • Sharpening innovation management - with the right strategies and partners
  • Your path to EU funding - with a strong partner in the application process
  • Spreading innovation internationally - through access to new markets
  • Regional & Social Transformation - taking advantage of Europe's opportunities
  • Impulses for innovation policy - with our EU-wide expertise
  • Planning events & training people - networking at events and getting fit for innovation

Steinbeis 2i GmbH was founded in 2016 and has offices in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. Steinbeis 2i is part of the umbrella brand Steinbeis Europa Zentrum and is committed to innovation and internationalization.

The Steinbeis Europa Zentrum and Steinbeis 2i are partners in the Enterprise Europe Network of the European Commission, which includes more than 600 partners in more than 60 countries. The aim of the network is to support companies with a variety of issues regarding Europe, innovation, research, and technology transfer. It also promotes the use of European research findings. Steinbeis 2i serves as a partner in a Baden-Wuerttemberg based consortium in cooperation with Handwerk International, bw-i, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and six chambers of commerce.

You can find out more about the projects and activities implemented at the Steinbeis Europa Zentrum in the current annual report.

Key Areas

  • EU research and innovation funding
  • Project implementation, project management and communication
  • Digitalization & Industry 4.0
  • Climate, energy & mobility
  • Agriculture, bioeconomy & environment
  • Health
  • Culture, creativity & inclusion
  • Transformation in and with society
  • Open innovation
  • Smart specialization
  • Gender & diversity


Steinbeis Transfer Magazine



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Leuschnerstr. 43, D-70176 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 2524-2000
Steinhäuserstr. 12, D-76135 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 93519-0
Management: Dr. Jonathan Loeffler
(Stand: 12/30/2024)

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