The jury of the Lohn Award acknowledges the long-time and outstanding achievements in technology transfer of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Eberhard Kohler with a special award.
The trained machinist and welder completed his studies at the then TH Karl-Marx-Stadt (today TU Chemnitz) in the fi eld of study “Construction of Machines and Devices of Mechanical Engineering” successfully with the degree “Diplom-Ingenieur” in 1960.
In 1974 he earned his Dr.-Ing. In 1960 Eberhard Kohler started his career as a design engineer at the VEB Separatorenbau Hainichen where he was responsible for the construction of centrifuges and packing machines. After three years he became the technical director and deputy plant manager there. Subsequently he managed a research center of the Berlin Vergaser- und Filterwerke until he went back to his alma mater, the TH Karl-Marx-Stadt, as a research assistant in 1969. In 1977 he was promoted to scientifi c chief assistant at the chair for processing machines construction. Eberhard Kohler received the teaching qualifi cation in 1984 and was appointed university lecturer for processing machines construction one year later. After that in 1989 he was appointed professor. From 1989 to 1991 Eberhard Kohler managed the fi eld textile machines construction. In the following two years he was deputy director of research for textile and leather technology. After his habilitation he became vice dean for research at the TU Chemnitz before he was appointed professor for the fi eld of construction of mechanical engineering. In the mid-1990s Eberhard Kohler founded and managed the institute for general engineering and plastics technology at the TU Chemnitz. In 2001 he became dean of the engineering faculty. He held this position until 2003. Subsequently he was vice dean in the same faculty until his retirement in 2005.
Eberhard Kohler started his Steinbeis career in 1990 as a project manager. In 1991 he founded his own Steinbeis Enterprise, the Steinbeis Transfer Center Drive and Handling Technology in Mechanical Engineering. After that he founded the Steinbeis Research Institute Processing Machines and Systems and the Steinbeis Innovation Center Drive and Handling Technology in Mechanical Engineering in 2004 and 2008. In 2010 Eberhard Kohler was awarded the Lohn Award with his Steinbeis Transfer Center together with his project partner, the Siemens AG Generatorenwerke Erfurt, for the development of an innovative bending machine for conductors for generators.
Eberhard Kohler is a brilliant and recognized expert in his field. He created and expanded his Steinbeis Enterprises with an outstanding expertise and is part of the Steinbeis Network with heart and mind.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Eberhard Köhler
Steinbeis Transfer Center Drive and Handling Technology in Mechanical Engineering, Chemnitz