Research with a strong focus on technology is one of the hallmarks of the Steinbeis philosophy. We take innovations discovered during fundamental research and make them available for fields of application in production or services. By doing so, we provide companies with the means to transfer know-how and apply this to a specific business need in a way that solves problems and brings benefit.
Our Steinbeis Enterprises always see their research as applied research. We work on projects with a clearly defined purpose and deliver results that fulfill that purpose – especially when this entails making new technologies available for new areas of application. We also like the output of our developments to be gauged by the genuine level of innovation. Why? Because all that matters for our clients is the tangible benefit. And it’s precisely the value added by transferring research findings that secures their competitive advantage.
It’s the brains and gray matter of our people that make our Steinbeis Network such a successful player in the field of research transfer. This is because the professors that make the new technology available frequently double up as directors of a Steinbeis Enterprise. In the way they think and act, they bridge the gap between market-driven research at universities on the one hand, and targeted transfer into specific, competitive applications on the other. They are not the kinds of experts who just talk about sharing research findings – transfer runs through their veins, on every project they work on. The strength of our global Steinbeis Network is that we’re a key point of reference – the first port of call when it comes to targeted innovation across all sectors of industry.