There were 1,107 enterprises in our network in 2022. These span all Steinbeis Enterprises (SE). Depending on the specialist discipline and the focus of work, these SE employ experts in either legally dependent Steinbeis Transfer Centers, Steinbeis Research and Innovation Centers, Steinbeis Consulting Centers, Steinbeis Transfer Institutes, Institutes of the Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Gesellschaft or companies of an independent legal nature. The Network also includes enterprises operating under franchising arrangements or minority shareholdings. In 2022, 33 new enterprises joined the Steinbeis Network.
(as of December 31, 2022)
With services in
Steinbeis Enterprises achieved a total turnover of 159.7 million euros in 2022.
(as of December 31, 2022)
In 2022 SE directors worked alongside with 1,903 employees and 2,559 contractors. Steinbeis Enterprises employed a total of 624 professors in 2022.
(as of December 31, 2022)