Steinbeis convention: Energy - Efficient utilization and conversion

Steinbeis convention: Energy - Efficient utilization and conversion

In 2007, Steinbeis embarked on a series of “applied technology” conventions aimed at broadening the outlook on current issues, with talks from leading business and science figures on future technology and developments. In 2007 the theme of the symposium was production and component properties. On 1 April 2009, experts will convene in the Stuttgart House of Commerce (Haus der Wirtschaft) to discuss a variety of energy efficiency issues. The convention is aimed at key decision makers in engineering and automotive firms working in the fields of production technology, factory planning, and process engineering.

No energy, no industrial production. Energy prices have shot down recently, but this does not affect one of the biggest current and future challenges facing society: the economic, reliable and sustainable supply of energy.

As we use more and more fossil fuels – especially coal – higher energy consumption stokes carbon emissions. Is there a solution to this global energy conundrum? What influence does this have on industrial production? What viable options exist to solve issues affecting energy supply and efficiency? In cooperation with the energy company Shell (London/Hamburg), and the F.A.Z. Institute, the Steinbeis Technology Group is joining forces with innovation partners to stage an Energy Efficiency convention on 1 April 2009. Its aim: to discuss all of the above issues.

Apart from examining the implications of economic, reliable and sustainable energy supplies, leading authorities from industry and science will look at key issues relating to energy efficiency and resource preservation. After the main speeches, the one-day event will split into two panels, which will make presentations on and discuss how to strike the right balance between resource utilization and adding value.

This will involve investigating and examining product development and production processes in complex manufacturing set-ups, and machine availability, based on the principle of “avoid rather than use” (functional materials, lightweight construction, product and process substitution, hybrids and near-netshape processes etc). Also under consideration: different approaches to conventional and alternative energy generation and use (fossil, wind, solar, geothermal, etc).


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