In 2008, the School of Governance, Risk & Compliance (School GRC) and the Transfer Institute of Corporate Integrity Management at Steinbeis University Berlin developed Steinbeis Compliance Monitoring©, a standardized quality testing and evaluation method for compliance management systems. Since July 2012, specialist compliance experts can earn a license in Steinbeis Compliance Monitoring©, a method that has been continually improved since its inception. The license makes it possible to expand compliance consulting services offered to customers.
The Steinbeis Compliance Monitor© gathers relevant data and information, and estimates the integrity and quality of compliance management systems. After this initial assessment, the monitor consults with the School GRC, and together, they produce an expert report. In addition to revealing the actual status of the system, upon request, this report can provide strategic recommendations for improvement of compliance levels.
The licensing model grants the School GRC exclusive access to research data and further information on the organization, effectiveness and efficiency of compliance structures in various industries, systematically extending the existing data and knowledge base at the school, related to effective compliance management. In turn, these newly acquired findings flow back into the further conceptual development of Steinbeis Compliance Monitoring©, offering companies truly independent comparisons of systems within their respective industries.
Applied Social Research is a new, interdisciplinary SHB program and the first of its kind in Germany. It is being offered by the Steinbeis Transfer Institute of Financial Behavior and Ethics in cooperation with goFAMS e.V., an association that promotes further education in market and social research.
Market and social research plays a dominant role in our information society. While there is an increasing demand for results and forecasts, it has become incumbent upon research facilities, organizations, and companies to manage growing volumes of data and handle the increasing complexity of statistics and materials. This creates demand for specialized experts, with the right training to meet the new challenges of market and social research.
The aim of the Applied Social Research program is to prepare students for the various areas in which market and social research is used while bridging the gap between areas of the humanities and the findings derived from empirical social research studies. This is why the program’s curriculum includes sociology, psychology, economics and economic history. Further core topics covered by the program include ethics and values. The syllabus also consists of empirical social research methods and statistics. The program is due to start in early 2013. Students can apply for the program at any time.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Sabine Meck
Steinbeis Transfer Institute for Financial Behavior and Ethics (Berlin) (Berlin)
Markus Böser has been awarded the 2011 advancement award for skilled crafts. The award and associated € 5,000 prize were bestowed on behalf of the Chamber of Crafts in Karlsruhe, in recognition of an academic paper he wrote as part of his bachelor studies at the Steinbeis Business Academy (SBA) at Steinbeis University Berlin.
Six participants have completed the six-month Sales Management and Marketing (SM) certification program and can now call themselves sales engineers. The course has been offered since 2002 by the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Technical Sales and Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Karlsruhe. Professors at the university and instructors from industry and business consulting develop the curriculum and impart theoretical and practical skills.
The Karlsruhe Transfer Center specializes in continuing education and technical sales. It aims to provide services to companies that help improve the quality of their marketing; especially for highly technical products or solutions that require intensive consulting in sales. The participants of the certification course learn skills related to marketing, sales, sales management and international sales.
“Particularly now, in times of intense globalization where labor markets are undergoing rapid development, our course helps participants raise their own profiles,” explains Professor Reinhold König, head of the Steinbeis transfer center. The course is primarily targeted at engineers, IT specialists and scientists with several years of experience.
Many engineers work in technical sales, and they are frequently illprepared for sales tasks. Technical specialist knowledge is no longer enough to convince customers and be successful in sales. “This training is an ideal basis for conventional engineers and technical specialists who want to further their personal and professional skills set while taking on new challenges in sales, marketing management and the like,” underscores Volker Paroth, a graduate of the latest training course.
Upon completion of the course, each participant receives a certificate from Steinbeis University Berlin qualifying them as a sales engineer. The courses take place on weekends.
A small team that took some great steps: ten alumni, students and employees of the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) at Steinbeis University Berlin took part in a Stuttgart charity walk in June. But the long walk wasn’t the only challenge. In addition to walking, each participant had to find a sponsor who was willing to donate money to a good cause. The team excelled both in terms of walking and fundraising: € 1,100 were donated to the German Lebenshilfe organization in Herrenberg!
“This contribution will come in very handy as we continue to expand the services we offer to people with disabilities; for example, in the work we do with children and adolescents, and our aid for people in need of extensive care. But it will also go toward the materials we need for creative projects as part of our leisure time activities and in our work with seniors,” explains Peter Eßlinger from Lebenshilfe. The Lebenshilfe charity was very happy to receive the large contribution and thanked all of the walkers and sponsors. Participation in the walk was organized by the Steinbeis Transfer Institute SIBE Alumni, the association of graduates and students at SIBE.