To those affected, burnout syndrome feels like an existential threat. For friends and relatives, it can also be extremely trying. It can create financial difficulties, and for employers it can result in a loss of know-how. There are an extremely high number of people affected by or at risk of burnout. It takes a great deal of skill to deal with the conflict, as well as stamina, sound judgment and an ability to make the right decisions. Taking steps toward prevention is a must. The competence institute unison, a Steinbeis Transfer Institute, now offers training to become a health coach (EOL) as part of a cooperation agreement with the Institute of Experiential Learning (Institut für Erfahrungslernen) at the clinic in Wollmarshöhe and SHB.
According to the World Health Organisation, the fundamental conditions and resources for health include stable self-esteem, a positive attitude toward one’s own body, acceptable social relationships, a meaningful occupation and healthy working conditions. Training to become an EOL health trainer establishes a foundation for a successful career as a health promoter. Participants on the course learn to see health as a personal experience and sharpen their own perception through experiential learning by recognizing individual and collective thoughts, feelings and behavioral patterns. The course spans five training modules each lasting 2.5 days, and covering topics such as successful living, the distinction between health and sickness, “healthy” organizations and the interactions between body, soul and spirit.
Peter Schust
Steinbeis Transfer Institute kompetenz institut unisono (Ulm)
The DZ Bank Group career prize awards €24,000 to the best six “Banking and Finance” theses written for a master’s or bachelor’s program. An honor is also given for the commitment of the student supervisor. The 2013 prize was awarded to Prof. Dr. Andreas Aulinger.
Andreas Aulinger, director of the Steinbeis Transfer Institute of Organisation and Management at Steinbeis University Berlin, was presented with his prize at the career prize awards ceremony in April. The jury praised his commitment during his supervision of projects at the Transfer Institute. The theme for the awards presentation was “It’s a hard climb to the top. We make it worth the effort.” This year’s prize received 143 submissions.
Prof. Dr. habil. Andreas Aulinger
Steinbeis Transfer Institute Organisation und Management (Berlin)