Technology within reach

SHB seminar brings businessmen closer to technology

The “Industrial Technology for Businessmen” course, offered by the Steinbeis Transfer Institute Business School Alb-Schwarzwald of Steinbeis University Berlin (SHB), is one “aha” moment after the next: “Chemistry is anything that splutters and stinks,” but what happens when ten people have to grapple with the ins and outs of industrial technology? The spark ignites! And Berthold Villing, director of the Business School Alb-Schwarzwald, proved it. And anyone who participates in his 10-days course leaves viewing the world through different eyes.

Understand it in the morning, see it at night: that was one chipper participant’s summary. Indeed, theory isn’t merely banished to the pages of a book in this course. In its early hours, participants get fascinating insights into metal and plastics processing, electrical engineering and electronics. A diverse program full of possibilities to see theory in action ensures it sticks. Because anyone who’s seen an injection molding machine, an automatic welder, an example of turned parts production or circuit board assembly knows not just how these processes work, but also just how much refined technical skill is behind our cars, cell phones, kitchen appliances and furniture. 

“This course is perfect for anyone wrestling with technology,” says one prospective junior director expected to take over his father’s firm. “You don’t get swamped with mathematical formulas. Instead, everything is explained so that it’s understandable.” This certainly can be attributed to course director Berthold Villing’s vivid course design. Villing is not just a trained engineer with a degree in electronic engineering from a university of applied sciences and a Master of Science in biomedical engineering. As an industrial engineer and director of the Business School, he also has a mind for business. He effortlessly changes from the purely business perspective to the technical perspective, guiding his audience along the way. “Before this course, I only had a bird’s eye view of the ‘technology pie’. Now, it’s like that pie has been cut into perfect slices right before my eyes, and I can see each individual layer: the whipped cream, the crust and the fruit filling,” reflects one participant, who has actually specialized in accounting. “The most exciting part is seeing it all in practice. It’s remarkable how much effort goes into a water bottle!” The participants also benefit from exchanging insights with one another since they come from a variety of industries and areas of expertise. Although they bring insights from their own experiences, they now know all too well that everyday life would be quite a bit more empty, depressing and especially more uncomfortable without tech­nology. 

The Business School Alb-Schwarzwald, located in Gosheim, offers extra-occupational business programs and courses in technology, management psychology and business management at its locations in Ballingen and Rottweil. Facility visits and highly practice-based work are order of the day.

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