The School of Governance, Risk and Compliance (School GRC) at Steinbeis University Berlin is launching a new Master of Criminal Investigation in a joint initiative with the German Association for Criminalistics (DGfK). Participants will be comprehensively trained in fields like criminal strategy and tactics, scientific and technical aspects of criminalistics, IT forensics, business culture, criminology but also criminal law.
tlight The degree is directed mainly at criminal and corporate attornies, private and business investigators, business security specialists, and investigative journalists. The program is equally appealing to psychologists and scientists.
Alternatively, a Certified Investigation Expert (CIE) course is also being offered to prospective students. This training can be applied later to a Master’s Degree in Criminal Investigation and provides a springboard into the field. A college degree (with a minimum of 180 ECTS points) is required to apply for the master’s program with no specification of prior field of study. Relevant work experience is an advantage, but not compulsory. The application period for this groundbreaking program closes in September, 2012.
The SVI-endowed chair for Marketing and Dialog Marketing at Steinbeis University Berlin’s School of Management and Innovation will host the 6th German Dialog Marketing Conference in Berlin. The event, which will be held September 27-28, 2012 is a collaboration with the Center for Interactive Marketing and Media Management at the University of Münster, the University of Kassel’s Dialog Marketing Competence Center, the SVI-endowed chair for Marketing and Dialog Marketing at the University of Hamburg, and the Siegfried Voegele Institute in Königstein im Taunus.
The German dialog marketing conference is an exclusive forum for scientists and executives in dialog marketing to exchange views. The annual conference offers participants the chance to stay up to date with the latest developments in dialog marketing and compare notes with peers. The conference series allows advertisers to gain new impetus for successful dialog with their target groups.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Helmut Schneider
School of Management and Innovation Steinbeis University Berlin (SHB, Berlin/Stuttgart)
Britta Kroker, a graduate of the MedienMBA program at Steinbeis School of Management and Innovation at Steinbeis University Berlin, used to manage a publishing house successfully. Since the beginning of the year, Kroker offers online courses and seminars on the webbased training portal “Pink University”. The video seminars address topics such as profession and career, management, sales, and health and fitness.
“We have to ask ourselves how to communicate specialist information in a contemporary way,” says Britta Kroker, “and if we’re given the opportunity to learn from the best by using audiovisual media, we should take it.” Kroker demonstrated a keen sense for what works in the market when nearly three million copies of by Werner Tiki Küstenmacher’s bestseller “Simplify your life” were sold. This landed the Campus publishing house manager one of the biggest successes in the history of German publishing.
Since 2006, Britta Kroker has been working as an independent media entrepreneur, operating an online shop in addition to her “Pink University” Internet startup.
The Steinbeis Transfer Institute Corporate Educational Process has teamed up with the Festo educational fund to offer financing options for further education to students, doctoral candidates and post doc researchers. In addition, it oversees research and development in continuing professional development (CPD) and offers training strategy services in the fields of human resources and organizational development. These services extend to degree programs for engineering as well as industrial and technical engineering.
The institute functions as an interface between other institutions at Steinbeis University Berlin (SHB) and the Festo educational fund. It offers financing, qualifications and networking opportunities to students, doctoral candidates and post doc researchers in MINT fields (Mathematics, Information Technology, Natural Sciences, and Technical Engineering) as well as in related areas. The financing options include funding of up to € 40,000 per participant, who then repays the loan depending on subsequent earnings. This offers companies the possibility to support the CPD of their employees without having to provide funding up front. What’s more, they can contribute to the repayment plans of their employees, allowing training to work (in part) as an employer-financed development scheme.
In cooperation with the SHB and with backing from the Festo educational fund, companies can tap into new potential. The success of projects and the increased performance of the trained employee compensate for the associated costs of financing – clearly, a win-win situation for both employer and employee.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Günther | Prof. Dr. Peter Speck
Steinbeis-Transfer-Institut Corporate Educational Process (Berlin)
Whether senior vice president or founder, all of the speakers at the fireside chats held by the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) at Steinbeis University Berlin (SHB) are people worth listening to. All Alumni of the SIBE, they have come back to their business school to share their experiences and knowledge with current students. Last March, Christoph B. Rößner, a managing partner of Eight GmbH and Co. KG, was guest at the Haus der Wirtschaft (House of Commerce) in Stuttgart.
As a student, Christoph Rößner was convinced that the trend toward electric vehicles would spell endless possibilities for companies. In early 2011, he established the company Eight. Eight develops products that enable visibly sustainable and emissionsfree electric vehicle mobility.
Listeners at the fireside chat were able to glean an impression of the types of considerations new startup founders face before their visions can truly take shape. The theoretical contents of his MBA gave Rößner exactly the tools he needed to implement his business plan. Rößner also gave interesting insights into the management of a business startup, especially in the first phase when a business is defining itself and the risk of incorrectly positioning itself is at its greatest.
The fireside chats are held several times a year and offer students the opportunity to think “outside the box” by talking and networking with current and former students.