The second webscout convention takes place in the KunstWerk center in Karlsruhe on May 18, 2011. Spanning several events, this time the convention will look at the issue of media crises, with a focus on the role of social networking within corporate communications. Steinbeis is backing the event as a media partner.
How should companies react when things are written about them – online or offline? Do they always even need to react at all? What mistakes do companies make with crisis communications when things go wrong? These are issues being looked at during the convention, as well as online measurement of campaigns and media reach, Google visibility, and the best way to evaluate platforms like Facebook. To distinguish itself from larger events, the convention is deliberately being kept small. To ensure speakers can exchange views and converse with others, participant numbers are limited to 100.
The evening before the event, the organizers are inviting participants to a friendly discussion with the speakers in a relaxed atmosphere. The keynote speech at the convention will be given by Stephan Schlentrich, who has been working as an investigative journalist for the German ARD TV channel for nearly 30 years, including as editor of the political magazine “Report Mainz”. As a specialist in covering crises, Schlentrich has reported from Baghdad, the Middle East, Thailand after the tsunami and Haiti after the earthquake on the German evening news. As director of the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Communication, Safety & Security, he helps industry clients plan up-to-the-minute crisis strategies, assesses areas of risk within companies, writes crisis manuals and checklists, and trains senior and mid-level management to recognize, prevent and manage corporate crises.
Participants can register for the event online. Tickets cost € 449 and include the meet-up on the evening before the convention, food and drink on 18 May, and an evening event with chefs and music.
Dr. Nadine Höchstötter
webscout GmbH Karlsruhe