Transfer 01/2008

Articles from Transfer magazine 01/2008

Virtual development
The virtual engine test stand eases the burden on development
Developing control devices for vehicles
A development platform for networked drive systems
Teaching your car to feel
Internal and external proximity sensor technology for cars
Putting car development under the quality microscope
Steinbeis student provides central QM support at Mercedes-Benz
Calculating offers the intelligent way
Managing, budgeting and analyzing projects via the Internet
Gently does it
Starter pack opens the door to the new FlexRay™ bus system
Safe and sound
Steinbeis helps company achieve IT safety standards
Steinbeis looks back on a successful 2007
Enlighten the darkness
State-of-the-art LEDs enhance peak performance
Fostering staff development and the role of IT
Opportunities and threats in modern HR work
Successor successfully selected
A technical trading company moves on, methodically
Process management: fueling success in the real world
Optimizing processes at an automotive supplier
Look a crisis in the eye
A plea for prevention in political and crisis management
Reliable help for obstruction conditions
Obstruction detection for power adjustable seats
The human element in R&D
A conflict management system for projects focusing on technology
Molding makes miniature structures massive
Micro- and nanoscale structures in plastics technology
Expert, integrated financial advice
Intelligent financing models for companies
You name it, it labels it
A machine for every kind of container
Corporate management at a glance
Steinbeis student implements a financial management cockpit system
Steinbeis Transfer magazine
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Transfer 01/2008

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