What areas does the LR BW work in? What challenges and opportunities lie in store for the aerospace industry in Baden-Württemberg? In a recent interview, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf-Jürgen Ahlers provides some answers.
Professor Ahlers, you’re the chairman of the Baden-Württemberg Aerospace Forum (LR BW). It was founded in 2005. What were the reasons for its foundation 10 years ago?
At the beginning we found ourselves in a really weird situation. We read a study about Baden-Wurttemberg that said the aerospace industry is not a key sector. For us as business people this was unacceptable. The aerospace industry plays an outstanding role in the state; when it comes to training, Baden-Wurttemberg plays just as much a leading role as it does in industrial applications. Innovations trickle down into other sectors of industry. So as a result, something had to be done. We decided we’d start doing something about the current status of the aerospace industry. We also got some ministerial support – the ministry of economics at the time set up a kind of task force and it was extremely successful. It quickly became clear that there were tremendous resources in the state, on a scientifi c and industrial level. Right from the beginning, the LR BW forum’s maxim was “together we are strong.”
As time went by, we published new brochures on the aerospace industry, conducted a study on a concept for putting the former airfi eld in Lahr to a different use, as we also did with the airfi eld located between Boblingen and Sindelfi ngen. Then in 2011 we worked with the WRS, the economic development agency for the Stuttgart region, and drafted the fi rst skills atlas for our industry. The second edition is due to come out in the second half of 2015. So what we started in 2005 was a complete success.
This was all within the context of extremely close work with the LVI in Baden-Wurttemberg, the regional industry association, to highlight cross-industry aspects. Collaboration with the German Aerospace In dustries Association in Berlin (BDLI), and the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) in Brussels, has also played a successful part in forging networks. We’ve succeeded in stepping beyond Baden-Wurttemberg onto the national and international stage.
What activities is the forum involved in these days to pursue its goals? Where do you see challenges and opportunities for the forum?
We do a lot for our members, not just in terms of the specific projects we’re involved in but also in expanding our network. So we organize events to stimulate debate on current issues and assess their implications for our area of work. We’ve set up working groups on certain topics to keep the process of exchange going. These include the supply chain and the issue of defense and security. There’s a Virtual Aircraft working group on virtual reality and one on satellite technology. In terms of attending trade shows together, we’ve also brought things to a higher level.
In terms of what we get back from our members, we ensure that the very latest findings are communicated quickly and shared with the collective of other members. This happens in various ways, like through the working groups and special mailings that go out to members, but also through our newsletter. This flow of information keeps our members up to speed and at the same time it motivates them to do something.
We face plenty of challenges, for example changes in the supply chain, which are especially challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises. Technology is also changing rapidly. The challenge here is not just to trumpet out innovation like some sort of magic spell but to actually get involved with the nitty-gritty of new topics. Steinbeis has been especially good at thinking about one interesting aspect of this: Innovation- Quality. We need to understand what value there is in something new. There are opportunities tucked away in every nook and cranny, but we just need to make sure we remain focused, we need to strengthen our strengths.
You’re also the deputy chairman of the Steinbeis Foundation Board of Trustees. How well do the two organizations or bodies work together, by which I mean the LR BW and Steinbeis?
Actually, I’m glad you asked that question, thank you. It gives me the opportunity to thank the Steinbeis Foundation for the close cooperation. On the one hand, there’s a representative from Steinbeis on the board of the LR BW, Prof. Dr. Michael Auer, and on the other, we’ve already carried out a variety of activities together and this has worked well. The Steinbeis Enterprises perform an important function for small and medium-sized companies, including in the aerospace industry. And we also joined forces to set up the German Aerospace Academy, or ASA, where we’re also keen to make new things happen in terms of training.
Baden-Württemberg is currently a leading region in German aerospace. What do you feel needs to be done to keep it that way in the future?
We need to be clear about the fact that, in terms of policy, the right framework conditions are only possible if there is also clarity about the role of Baden-Wurttemberg as a location for the aerospace industry, so that companies will keep investing here and expand their operations. This also involves a clear commitment to keep supporting this technologically valuable industry. We need a shot of enthusiasm.
We’re a state of ingenious inventors and thinkers – we get things done. Our industry is about creativity and determination to see things through. If we keep working together closely with universities of applied sciences, other universities, research establishments, but also our representatives from politics, we’ll also remain successful in the future. After tens years of successful work at the LR BW forum, I don’t get the shivers thinking about the future. Bring on the next 10 years – we’re looking forward to them.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf-Jurgen Ahlers is chairman of the Baden-Wurttemberg Aerospace Forum (LR BW) and deputy chairman of the Steinbeis Foundation Board of Trustees. The LR BW forum represents the interests of the aerospace industry in Baden-Wurttemberg with the goal of pooling industry activities and fostering technological developments through collaboration between businesses and scientific institutions in order to implement them in innovative projects. It also promotes projects promising to optimize industry infrastructure in the state and improve competitiveness.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf-Jürgen Ahlers
Baden-Württemberg Aerospace Forum (LR BW) (Ostfildern)