Analysis and optimization of complex, multi-domain systems (hybrid powertrains, mechatronic systems, air conditioning) using model-based, metrological methods
Consulting in processes like CMMI, automotive SPICE, process-relevant issues in functional security (ISO 26262)
Consulting in model-based design and testing methods
Applied research and development
Expert reports
Key Areas
- Requirements engineering/management
- Process consulting
- Process validation
- Architectural design
- Model-based architectural development
- Process consulting
- Process validation
- Model-based development
- Modeling
- Model validation
- Process consulting
- Process validation
- System testing
- Testing methods
- Model-based testing
- Hardware-in-the-loop simulation
- Power transmission systems: electric, hydraulic
- Energy storage systems: electrochemical, hydraulic, mechanical
- Energy management
- Quality management in development
- SPICE and CMMI maturity models
- Project management
Project Examples
- Process consulting on requirements engineering (automotive industry)
- Modeling and validation of hydraulic systems (automotive engineering industry)
- Process and tool consulting on testing management (IT industry)
- Model-based software development (solar engineering industry)
Steinbeis Transfer Magazine
Legals for this enterprise profile:
Steinbeis Transferzentren GmbH an der Hochschule Ulm | Prittwitzstr. 10, 89075 Ulm | Germany | Phone: +49 711 1839-5
Local court Ulm, HRB 724365 | An enterprise in the Steinbeis Network
Managing Director: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Elke Zimmer | |