- Studies, assessments, consulting, and expert reports in the field of energy technology, mobile technical solutions, and new transportation solutions
- Independent development projects as well as collaborative projects with partners from science and industry
- Design, simulation, and testing on site of fixed and mobile battery and fuel cell systems
- Systems and product development in the field of batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen systems, and hybrid engines with partners in industry
- Systems integration and construction of prototypes on site with development partners
- Seminars and training in the field of energy technology, mobile technical solutions, and new transportation solutions
- Development of business models in the field of energy technology, mobile technical solutions, and new transportation solutions
Key Areas
- Sustainable energy: generation, storage, transportation, and use
- Hydrogen technology
- Fuel cells and fuel cell systems
- Batteries and battery systems
- Electric battery and fuel cell vehicles, drive chains, and components
- Regenerative energy, energy management, sector coupling (integrated energy)
- Mobile technical solutions and new transportation solutions
Project Examples
- Fuel cell testing involving experimental single cells and entire systems
- Battery testing, battery cycling/conditioning, aging, and misuse
- Development and construction
- of a fuel cell for a small car including approvals for road use
- of a portable, hybrid, fuel cell energy supply system
- of electric lightweight vehicles in different classes
- of fuel cell lightweight vehicles
- Development
- of battery management systems
- of an air conditioning system for electric vehicles
- of battery cooling systems
- Planning and design of hydrogen generation devices and tank systems
Legals for this enterprise profile:
Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH | Adornostraße 8, 70599 Stuttgart | Germany
Phone: +49 711 1839-5 | Register Court Stuttgart HRB 720289 | An enterprise in the Steinbeis Network
Managing Director: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Uwe Haug | |