Steinbeis Research Center Application Center for Sustainable Materials, Technologies & Processes


Customized consulting, tailored to customer requirements, research and development projects, and seminars in the field of sustainable technology, products, and processes, e.g.:

  • Mechanical engineering and machine construction
  • High-performance materials
  • Materials science and production engineering, quality, technology
  • Sustainability
  • Assessments of technology and processes
  • Resource management
  • Networks of experts

Key Areas

Sustainable technology, products, and processes
Many years of experience in university and industry research, development, and optimization, particularly in the following areas:

  • High-performance materials (e.g. metals, ceramics, polymers, high temperatures, ultra-high-strength steels, carbon, graphite, composites, coatings, surface technology, corrosion, tribology/wear, and mechanical processing technology)
  • Industries: e.g. mechanical and plant engineering, chemicals, aerospace, construction, medical technology, pharmaceuticals, logistics, and many more
  • e.g. quality assurance, development of quality testing procedures, etc.
  • Certified SixSigma GreenBelt
  • Resource management
  • Research and development/technology/project management/process management/procurement
  • Seminars/training courses: e.g. materials science, material testing, production engineering, design, lightweight construction, corrosion, tribology/wear, materials in automotive engineering

Project Examples

  • Development, optimization, or adaptation of energy-intensive furnace processes with product quality improvements


Steinbeis Transfer Magazine

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Postfach 1, D-86642 Rennertshofen
Phone: +49 8427 8749800
Management: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Verena Merklinger
(Stand: 02/14/2025)

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