- Consulting on the successful design of collaborative innovation processes
- Support of co-innovation projects
- Co-innovation competence assessments
- Staff development and training
- Certification courses based on existing certification examination rules (through a partnership with the Steinbeis+Akademie)
- Train the trainer
- Workshops
- Moderation
- Speeches
Key Areas
- Assessment of general co-innovation skills within teams, departments, or companies; assessment of strengths and development potential
- Assessment of the quality of interactions within a specific, continuous co-innovation process
- Identification of the root causes of problems and derivation of suitable planning measures
- Support with the systematic planning of collaboration methods during different phases of the co-innovation process, also spanning the overall co-innovation cycle
Steinbeis Transfer Magazine
Legals for this enterprise profile:
Steinbeis Beratungszentren GmbH | Adornostraße 8, 70599 Stuttgart | Germany
Phone: +49 711 1839-5 | Register Court Stuttgart HRB 25319 | An enterprise in the Steinbeis Network
Managing Directors: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ralf Lauterwasser, Dr. Michael Ortiz | |