Steinbeis Transfer Institute Business Management and Innovation


We don’t provide an offering – we deliver solutions!
The know-how companies now need in times of increasing complexity can no longer be stored in people’s heads. To keep pace with the demands of digital transformation, know-how has to be pooled and made accessible, not only to every team member but also to management. At the Steinbeis Transfer Institute for Business Management and Innovation (Steinbeis BMI), we have pooled resources and developed a portfolio of answers – solutions that match the changing needs of management and teams within the new business context.

Our mission
In times of complexity, life as a business leader is often demanding and, at the same time, frustrating. We want to shape your future as a digital organization through collaboration, working practically and focusing on solutions in order to achieve the desired outcome. The services delivered to Steinbeis BMI customers should be experienced as clear, empowering, and inspiring. To ensure customers do experience our support this way, we and our team always maintain clear channels of communication. When you work with us, you don’t learn – you understand!

Who we are

Steinbeis BMI reflects the personalities of people who may be quite different, but work together with a shared focus on providing you with benefit. This works not only through mutual respect, but also through a common goal: to pull together a suitable team of experts combined with general approaches in order to form solutions that are matched individually to all of the challenges you face in everyday business. This is guaranteed through our partnership under the network of Steinbeis. And the outcome should become an established element of your company.

What we do

You’re probably familiar with offers or offerings that don’t take you a single step forward – or not without the right support. Our aim with our portfolio is to achieve the exact opposite. So our support should be quick to understand, easy to put into practice, and at the same time: practical and practicable. We also safeguard your autonomy. This basically applies to every solution you may expect from us. We form teams that work. And we haven’t fulfilled our mission until you have gained specific and measurable benefit – quickly and in a practicable manner.

How we do this
Every solution lies in the problem. The longer a process takes and the bigger the challenge that has to be overcome, the more likely it is that the solutions that are viable for the future of your digital organization will need to be underscored by a detailed description of the problem. As a result, Steinbeis BMI makes clear distinctions between intensively examining the initial situation and creatively coming up with collaborative solutions. We can then carefully work together on planning and implementing solutions with the appropriate teams.

Our credo at Steinbeis BMI: Problem | Solution | Success

Every in-house solution provided by Steinbeis BMI is developed according to the specific challenges of your business enterprise. To do this, our experts apply modern methods of mediation in combination with their tried-and-tested specialist knowledge, always speaking the language of the target group.

A good instructor is a stranger who simply “belongs.”
[It’s all about people!] – especially with digital transformation.

  • Made-to-measure, individual solutions that actively shape the future of your company (in-house, virtually)
  • Certification courses at the Steinbeis + Academy at Steinbeis-Hochschule Holding GmbH

Key Areas

  • Business development
  • Executive and team development / HR development
  • Recruiting
  • Innovation management
  • Optimizing leadership
  • National and international cooperation
  • Analyzing company cultures regarding leadership, communication and cooperation


Steinbeis Transfer Magazine

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Oberloh 57, D-32457 Porta Westfalica
Phone: +49 5731 98160-80/81
Fax: +49 5731 98160-83
Management: Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Natzke
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Wiltraud Johanning-Natzke
(Stand: 06/08/2021)

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