By founding the joint enterprise „Steinbeis Transfer GmbH an der Hochschule Darmstadt“, Steinbeis and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences as one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany have laid the foundation for a partnership for practical technology transfer.
- Transfer between academia and business in accordance with the Steinbeis model for transfer enterprise, while retaining the university's identity
- h-da professors and staff can engage in entrepreneurial activities in line with their scientific work
- Regional establishment and strengthening of the transfer entrepreneurship by bundling activities under the umbrella of the co-founding of „Steinbeis Transfer GmbH an der Hochschule Darmstadt“
- Promotion of know-how and technology transfer at h_da
- Entrepreneurial Steinbeis projects increase the actuality of research and teaching
- Steinbeis enterprises offer services in the range of research and development, consulting and expert reports as well as training and employee development particularly for small and medium sized companies in the Rhine Main area