- Concept development and implementation in the field of machine learning and AI for sensor data
- Prototype, algorithm, and product development
- Scientific assessments
- Feasibility studies
- Consulting and training on machine learning, AI, and software development/software architecture
- Development of customized software solutions
Key Areas
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Time series analysis and sensor data evaluations
- Software development and software architecture
Project Examples
- Image categorization and detection
- Object detection within images
- Categorization of movements using inertial sensors
Steinbeis Transfer Magazine
Legals for this enterprise profile:
Steinbeis Transferzentren GmbH an der Hochschule Ulm | Prittwitzstr. 10, 89075 Ulm | Germany | Phone: +49 711 1839-5
Local court Ulm, HRB 724365 | An enterprise in the Steinbeis Network
Managing Director: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Elke Zimmer | |