BImSchGIS: A compilation and information system for factories subject to authorization by the German Federal Pollution Control Act.
HyScan: Maps the extent of impervious (paved) surfaces in cities using digital remote sensing data
Planalyst: A digital information and analysis instrument for various plans
MoFA: Development of an Internet-supported, mobile GIS-based leisure assistant application/app
Mobiles GIS: Development of a mobile system for the mapping of biotope types using satellite navigation (GPS), a portable computer (PDA), and suitable mapping software
VetGIS: GIS-aided analysis of spatial and temporal distribution patterns in farm animal epidemics in the regions of Lombardia and Veneto (Italy)
Satellite map: Environmental monitoring in the Diepholzer lower moor area – comprehensive land use classification of Lower Saxony with a focus on moor and greenlands
For more information, please visit the website given.