Steinbeis Transfer Center Innovation and Implementation


Business area industry

  • Consulting and implementation in the field of strategy, innovation and organizational development
  • Innovative product and process development; leadership and management in development and construction
  • Controlling in technical fields
  • Succession planning
  • Training of staff in technical departments on business management issues


Business area international

  • Training of trainers including the development of curricula and preparation of adjusted training documents
  • Assessment and coaching of SME
  • "Good enough" strategies
  • Technology transfer and qualification of service technicians for German mechanical engineering companies

Key Areas

  • Leadership and management in development and construction
  • Controlling in development and construction
  • Training of trainers including the development of curricula and course contents
  • Coaching and training of SME on these topics
  • Consulting for scientific institutions and politicians on issues related to technology transfer, collaboration between business and the world of science and academia

Project Examples

  • Training of trainers (>400) in Africa, South America and Asia on issues of strategic positioning of SME, production management, product development and innovation, HR, quality management and cost accounting as well as export marketing
  • Coaching and Training of SME on these topics (>75 SME)
  • Analysis and evaluation of technical skills, including appropriate measures to build on skills as well as support during implementation: SME (8 to 100 employees) primarily in the fields of machine engineering and equipment construction
  • Introduction/re-organization of in-house accounting systems with the aim of allocating costs by source, determining the precise basis for calculating costs, and matching product pricing to markets: small SME (8-100 employees) and  manual skills company on the verge of entering manufacturing
  • Crisis management including implementation of a short-term liquidity protection plan and medium-term measures to raise revenues: producer of concrete formworks; producer of filling machines
  • Strategic company re-alignment: mainly manufacturing SMEs in the fields of machine engineering and equipment construction
  • Re-design of an interdepartmental project planning/contract processing system: mainly manufacturing SMEs in the fields of machine engineering and equipment construction
  • Re-alignment of business operations to raise profitability: mainly manufacturing SMEs in the fields of machine engineering and equipment construction
  • Selection of a system for integrating production planning into production management, taking the specific challenges of batch manufacturing into account: magnet manufacturer
  • Weak point analysis encompassing all stages of contract management and planning: aluminum processing company; company involved in biomedical technology
  • Efficiency improvements in the field of development and design: producer of filling machines
  • Support with the relocation of a product line from a subsidiary about to be closed down to the main site: vehicle maker
  • Concept development and implementation of a project management system matched to company needs: producer of plastic items, major bakery, producer of machines used to process heating water, public administration/service providers
  • Customer satisfaction analysis: companies from the fields of filling, sealing and packing
  • Setting up contacts/product marketing on behalf of inventors and patent holders


Steinbeis Transfer Magazine


  • Voegele, Arno; Villinger, Georg (2014): "Verpasste Chancen? (2. Aufl.)" Zur Situation des Entwicklungs- und Konstruktionsleiters in kleinen und mittleren Industrieunternehmen
  • Voegele, Arno; Villinger, Georg; Voegele, Arno; Steinbeis-Transfer-Institut Entwicklung & Management i. L. (Hrsg.) (2009): "Verpasste Chancen? (1. Aufl.)" Zur Situation des Entwicklungs- und Konstruktions-Leiters in kleinen und mittleren Industrieunternehmen
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Strittberg 68, D-79862 Höchenschwand
Phone: +49 172 724 5884
Management: Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Georg Villinger, MBA
(Stand: 11/12/2024)

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