As a not-for-profit subsidiary of the Steinbeis Foundation, Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Gesellschaft (FSG) promotes the interests of collaborative and interdisciplinary research. It acts as an umbrella organization for the Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institute (FSTI) in Stuttgart and the recently founded Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institute Heilbronn, which is based on the education campus in Heilbronn. Both organizations operate as research faculties of Steinbeis University. The issues they deal with include change of a purely technological nature stemming from digital transformation and networking, as well as any relevant benefits this change can deliver for society as a whole and business. All FSTI activities revolve around the principle of “dual scientific research” based on scientific standards, hand in hand with societal and thus also commercial influences.
The Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institute in Stuttgart has been coordinating activities related to digital transformation and technology convergence since 2015, also conducting transfer-oriented research into the field of digitalization and networking. An interdisciplinary team of 30 young scientists and established researchers works at the FSTI. Their aim is to drive digital transformation at companies in all sectors of industry based on the use of so-called Micro Testbeds. The aim of a Micro Testbed is to implement concrete projects in order to pinpoint interdisciplinary value creation scenarios and deliver these based on experimentation in partnership with different enterprises (ecosystems). The Micro Testbed method lays emphasis on exploring small application scenarios. In doing so, existing technologies are used to allow new ecosystems, products, and services to emerge with a bearing on digital solutions and networking. The results gained from Micro Testbeds deliver benefit for all parties in previously unimagined ways.
The FSTI in Heilbronn was founded recently with the support of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation on the education campus in Heilbronn. Its primary aim is to exploit opportunities offered by digital transformation and work as a transfer-oriented research institution to expand the horizons of the education campus in Heilbronn, also offering a port of call for innovative partnerships in research and teaching. The education campus in Heilbronn offers the ideal prerequisites for these aims, and plans are already underway to collaborate closely with university organizations and other facilities based on the campus. As a sponsor of the German regional team of the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), the FSTI will set up the first IIC Academy in a German-speaking country on the campus.
Prof. Dr. Heiner Lasi ▪ Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Gesellschaft für transferorientierte Forschung gGmbH der Steinbeis-Stiftung (FSG) (Stuttgart) ▪ ▪ +49 711 1839-808
Michael Köhnlein ▪ Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Gesellschaft für transferorientierte Forschung gGmbH der Steinbeis-Stiftung (FSG) (Stuttgart) ▪