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MBA lectures series now also in Berlin

Theory is all well and good, but it remains two-dimensional if it is not pertinent to practice. In their mission to practice what they learn, Steinbeis MBA students have been living this approach for ten years – by organizing talks outside lectures and meeting leading figures from business, politics and society.

The MBA lecture series has been running since 2002, with a string of managers, politicians and other engaging figures regularly coming to the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart. Among the many speakers have been people like Reinhold Würth, Herrmann Bahlsen, Dr.-Ing. Bernd Bohr and Prof. Götz Werner. Now the MBA lecture series is being extended to Berlin. The aim of the Berlin MBA lectures is simple, but it works: no more boring run-ofthe- mill speeches, but instead, engaging, contemporary and relevant topics from the German capital. What will be special about the lectures in Berlin is that all kinds of people will be involved – top managers, young entrepreneurs, creative personalities, even people who experienced failure. The emphasis is on exchanging views and knowledge. All Steinbeis University Berlin students and alumni are invited to events.

The organizers of the Berlin MBA lecture series are currently seeking backers for the students’ voluntary work, either financially or by providing materials. The Berlin organizers would also welcome support with the setting-up of MBA events.


Dennis Heider
Stephan Lüdtke
Rainer Klein

Steinbeis University Berlin

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